
Sarah Annesley announced as Tracey Banivanua Mar Fellow for 2023

We were delighted with the news that Dr Sarah Annesley was recently announced as one of the Tracey Banivanua Mar Fellows for 2023.

Dr Annesley currently holds two ME Research UK grants for her research looking at mitochondrial dysfunction and mitochondrial energy inefficiency in ME/CFS, so we were very pleased to hear about her achievement.

La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia offers these fellowships “to support our researchers, often women, to regain momentum after they have had significant career interruptions due to caring responsibilities”. They are named after a former member of the University who sadly passed away in 2017.

Read more here

Dr Annesley is also one of the authors of a new article in The Conversation about what lessons can be learned about long COVID from the many years of experience diagnosing and treating ME/CFS.

Read the article here

Many congratulations to Sarah for her fellowship award and for this excellent new article.

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