Many people think that a gift in a Will to a charity must be a large sum – this isn’t the case. Any gift, no matter how large or how small, is important to us. Whatever you give, you really can make a difference by helping us move closer to a scientific breakthrough.
All that we ask is that, when you make a new Will or change an existing one, you consider leaving a donation to ME Research UK to allow us to continue our work into the future.
Your gift will make a difference
We know that leaving a gift in your will is a big decision, and that family and loved ones must come first. But all gifts make a huge difference to ME Research UK.
Gifts in wills have enabled us to greatly expand our work and to be able to fund more and larger research projects which have the potential to transform the world’s understanding of ME/CFS.
We are incredibly grateful to everyone who includes a gift in their will to ME Research UK. We simply could not continue with our vital work without this support. Your’s is the hope that drives our ambition.
You have the knowledge that your generosity will help those with ME/CFS in the future and that you really are leaving a lasting legacy of hope to the next generation.
How to help
Including ME Research UK in your Will is a straightforward and easy way to support our drive to fund more biomedical research. The simplest method is to include ME Research UK in your Will when it is first drawn up. However, if you already have a Will it can be amended by the addition of a ‘Codicil’. We strongly suggest that you seek advice from your legal advisor.
What information will I need?
Your advisor will need to know a few details about us and what you want to do:
- Our details – ME Research UK, of The Gateway, North Methven Street, Perth, PH1 5PP, (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation – Charity Number SCO36942)
- Your wishes – basically there are two types of bequest. One, to leave us a specific cash donation or a donation of a specific asset (e.g. shares), and the other, to make us a residuary beneficiary.
We recommend that you seek appropriate professional advice to ensure that the type of donation you choose is exactly what you wish and is appropriate to your circumstances.
Potential tax advantages
Any gifts you make to a ME Research UK – during your lifetime or in your Will – are exempt from both Inheritance, and Capital Gains Tax. The gifts can be in any form, such as a sum of money, financial assets (e.g. shares) or even property.
Should you leave at least 10% of your estate to charity you may also reduce the Inheritance Tax payable on your estate by 10% (from 40% to 36%). The rules are complex but help is available from HMRC and from your own solicitor. It means that the full value of your gift will go to help the work of ME Research UK, and, by giving to charity, you may actually save tax.
Your legal or tax advisor is in the best position to guide you through these matters and we advise that specific advice is taken.
More about Codicils
Codicil is normally a short document which formally amends a person’s current Will. To be of assistance we have produced draft Codicils, one for England and Wales and the other for Scotland. Your legal advisor is in the best position to guide you through these matters and we advise that specific advice is taken.
Codicil for England and Wales (pdf)
Legacy pledge form
Please let us know of your decision to help by filling in our legacy pledge form. Your pledge is confidential and not legally binding. It helps us greatly to plan ahead, but does not commit you in any way.
If you would like to send a paper copy by post, download a pdf version using this link.
Alternatively, you can complete the online form below: