
ME Research UK – February 2024 e-newsletter

Making waves in ME/CFS brain research

ME Research UK-funded studies are contributing to invaluable progress in understanding the brain in ME/CFS. As discussed on his YouTube channel, Dr Jarred Younger is using a novel brain scan to look at leukocyte infiltration which could potentially lead to neuroinflammation. Dr Leighton Barnden’s study showing brainstem volume changes in ME/CFS has been acknowledged in a recent editorial as being a “very important step” in ME/CFS research. Our supporters’ donations and fundraising are essential in driving this research forward.

Research articles

We published a wide range of articles in February, including pieces on:

The experience of post-exertional malaise

Post-exertional malaise (PEM), the cardinal feature of ME/CFS, is profoundly debilitating and often unpredictable. A study explored the experiences of PEM in individuals with ME/CFS, both in daily life and following cardiopulmonary exercise testing, aiming to gain a better understanding of the types of symptoms, onset patterns, and duration.

One year follow-up of young people with ME/CFS following EBV infection

While research has linked EBV to the onset of ME/CFS, less is known – particularly in young people, about what happens to symptoms and severity over time in ME/CFS following EBV infection. Authors of a recently published study followed up, over a one-year period, 25 young people with ME/CFS following a confirmed case of EBV infection.

Physiological overlap between ME/CFS and long COVID

Long COVID and ME/CFS often share symptoms, but how similar are they on a physiological level? To explore this question, a pilot study analysed immune activity in both conditions.

Other topics we have been exploring in February include the subgrouping of ME/CFS based on immune status, metabolic and immune alterations in long COVID and ME/CFS, and loneliness and social isolation in ME/CFS.

Movement for Good – nominate ME Research UK

The Benefact Group has now restarted their annual free nomination process with a clean slate. If you entered in 2023 – thank you – but be sure to nominate ME Research UK again this year for us to be in the running for 2024’s £1,000 draws.

To make the process quicker, ‘copy and paste’ our charity number SC036942 into the box provided.

Walk for ME 2024

ME Research UK is grateful once more to be chosen as one of two featured charities for the Walk for ME scheme. The aim of Walk for ME is to get as many people as possible – especially the family and friends of those affected by ME – to do a sponsored walk, run, swim or ride of whatever length they feel comfortable with. No minimum distance, no targets, no set dates. 

Want to know more about becoming a member of Team Walk for ME 2024?

Help us make the breakthrough

We know that, as a subscriber to our e-newsletter and someone who is interested in our work, that you join us in the belief that only robust scientific research is the key to understanding ME/CFS.

Donations from our valued supporters are vital if we are to continue our work to inform, influence, and invest, in ME/CFS research globally.

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