Welcome to the April 2024 edition of ME Research UK’s monthly newsletter.
Breakthrough magazine available now
The Spring 2024 issue of Breakthrough magazine is now available online.
This issue includes a look at two newly funded research projects on nanoelectronics and visual sensory processing, an article from Cort Johnson on the UK scientists currently making waves in ME/CFS research, an interview with Gemma Samms from the University of Edinburgh, and much more.
Neurochemicals in ME/CFS and long COVID
Dr Barnden and his team at Griffith University and the University of Queensland have recently published the most recent article in a series reporting the results of their ME Research UK-funded study investigating brain abnormalities in ME/CFS.
Their new findings show increased levels of the neurochemicals glutamate and N-acetyl-aspartate in the brains of people with ME/CFS and those with long COVID, which may contribute to some of the symptoms associated with these diseases.

Dr Maira Inderyas, Dr Leighton Barnden and Dr Kiran Thapaliya
Research articles
We continue to keep our supporters informed on a range of subjects, including the following:
The characteristics of ME/CFS patients who experience joint hypermobility, who may represent a subgroup requiring targeted therapy.
The development of a new technique to assess lipid droplets, which are involved in a number of functions including energy metabolism, and which are abnormal in ME/CFS.
New research suggests that a family history of chronic illness could be a risk factor for the development of ME/CFS.

Other topics explored in April included the use of blood lactate monitoring to help manage PEM, hand grip strength as a marker of disease severity, and experiences of epistemic injustice among people with ME/CFS.
International ME Awareness Day
On 12 May 2024, individuals and organisations around the world will be recognising and supporting the millions of people affected by ME/CFS and other chronic immunological and neurological diseases. This is part of ME Awareness Week, which runs from 11 to 17 May.
Walk for ME
Thank you so much and good luck to all those who are taking part in an event for this year’s Walk for ME, including Grace Mitchell, Alan Avis and Claire Carter. The scheme has raised well over £200,000 for charity over the last decade, and ME Research UK is grateful to be chosen once again as a featured charity.
The aim is to get as many people as possible to do a sponsored walk, run, swim or ride of whatever length they feel comfortable with. Please help support the team, or you could even organise your own event.
Blue Sunday
Anna Redshaw’s Blue Sunday Tea Party for ME will take place on Sunday 19 May 2024. People from all over the world will meet up in person or online to enjoy tea and cake, and also to donate what they can to ME charities and causes.
It’s very easy to take part, and our page tells you everything you need to know.
Also among the activities for Blue Sunday is an online concert hosted by Isaac, including “a wide range of performances from amazing musicians and performers” as well as “closed captions throughout and no flashing lights”. Reserve a spot.
Help us make the breakthrough
We know that, as a subscriber to our newsletter and someone who is interested in our work, you join us in the belief that only robust scientific research is the key to understanding ME/CFS.
Donations from our valued supporters are vital if we are to continue our work to inform, influence and invest in ME/CFS research globally.