The team at ME Research UK is very grateful for all the support which the charity receives from its active fundraisers. At the best of times fundraising can seem a daunting prospect but without your support we could not continue to inform, influence or invest in ME research globally. Our current projects simply would not be funded.
Feel inspired? Our Fundraising Guide gives tips and links to resourses to get your support off to a flying start.
If fundraising, it is worthwhile to check with your employer to see if they offer a Matched Funding scheme which will add to your fundraising pot. Also, some companies, like Persimmon, donate to worthy causes based on recommendations of fundraisers and so why not nominate ME Research UK?
Now in its tenth consecutive year, the scheme has encouraged supporters to walk, run, swim and ride – in places as diverse as Ireland, Spain, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Israel, and the USA, as well as here in the UK – for two ME biomedical research-focused charities. The aim of Walk for ME is to get as many people as possible – especially the family and friends of those affected by ME – to do a sponsored walk, run, swim or ride of whatever length they feel comfortable with.
Full details on how to join now in 2022 now available.
Blue Sunday – the Tea Party For M.E. 2022 will be returning for its 10th iteration on Sunday 15th May 2021. As creator Anna Redshaw says “Coming together and breaking the isolation so many of us experience because of M.E was one of the very reasons why the online tea party was started in 2013. So I hope you’ll join me online in the afternoon of 15th May for a chat online over tea and cake.” Details on JustGiving