
Updated MEGA Website

The ME/CFS Epidemiology and Genomics Alliance (MEGA) has updated its website to prove a new blog on the topic ‘Our latest funding application and Patient Advisory Group update’ and additional Q&As have been posted.

MEGA was established following a Grand Challenge workshop convened by the UK ME/CFS Research Collaborative (CMRC) in May 2016 (read the report), and was launched at 2016 CMRC conference in Newcastle. A full report on the Conference is available from Action for ME’s website.  Its aim is to investigate, using DNA, RNA and other molecules, the distinctive genetics, epigenetics, proteomics and metabolomics of people with ME/CFS, using a very large number of samples. Investigations like this are the latest trend in population-based scientific research, and are a way to generate large volumes of useful data which can be mined for information (see Why We Need MEGA).

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