It is reported that on 10th May 2023, the German Parliament’s Health Committee passed application 20/4886 (in German – google translated version is available) which calls on the German federal government to help those affected by ME/CFS and their families, and for improved health and therapy care, education and recognition. Introduced by the CDU/CSU party (comprising sister parties, the CDU and CSU and known as the “Union” for short) it asks that the Bundestag recogise
The fact that the situation of people affected by post-infectious myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) has not improved for decades – on the contrary: the care situation of the people affected and their relatives is dramatic, characterized by hopelessness and lack of prospects and the Structures of the German healthcare system not worthy in the overall view. The fate of many people is simply overlooked.
Although the vote was not unanimous – the SPD, Greens and FDP voted against but the Union, the left and AfD voted for adoption – it is reported that all parties ‘unanimously expressed their will to help those affected in their difficult situation as effectively as possible.’ The adoption of the application is a major step forward fro those affected my ME/CFS in Germany and could lead to a major boost in German and European ME/CFS research.
Next stages (simplified) – to the Bundestag and Bundesrat, and if passed or not objected to, then counter-signed by the relevant minister and the Federal Chancellor, duly authorised by the Federal President and promulgated in the Bundesgesetzblatt (Federal Law Gazette) at which point it is passed into law.
A detailed posting on the application can be found in ME Research UK’s earlier report on the discussions surrounding the application last month.