ME/CFS is a complex, chronic medical condition affecting multiple body systems but its causes are not yet known. There is neither a diagnostic test nor a cure. Over 60 percent of those affected are unable to work, around 25 percent are unable to leave the house due to illness or are even bedridden. The number of people affected worldwide is estimated at around 17 to 24 million people and it is estimated this may double due to lasting effects of COVID. Research is the key to understanding ME/CFS.
ME Research UK funds basic research globally by the best researchers in recognised research institutions world-wide to answer the questions which those affected by the disease need. Thus far, we have funded over 60 projects, 5 PhD-level studies, and invested over £4m. We need to do more. Research is becoming more complex and more costly to fund. With additional resources we can further build on the results of our research, encourage new scientists to work ME/CFS research, and make a breakthough.
From noon 28th November 2023 until noon 5th December 2023 donations made to ME Research UK could be doubled. Thanks to Pledges received, and the input of The Reed Foundation as a Charity Champion, donations made through the Big Give Christmas Chaalnge will be doubled until our matched funding of £13,675 is exhausted.
All funds raised will be invested in further ME research and add to the high quality projects we fund internationally.
Last year’s Big Give funds helped fund Prof Taylor’s research into spinal nerve cell function at Edith Cowan University, Australia.
If you can, please do donate to ME research UK through The Big Give as your donation may be doubled – one donation = double the difference.