Thank you for taking the first step to creating a better future for all those affected by ME/CFS, by considering leaving a gift to ME Research UK in your Will.
Many think that a gift in a Will to a charity must be a considerable sum – this is not the case. Any gift, no matter how large or small, is important to us. Whatever you give, you really can make a difference by helping us move closer to a scientific breakthrough.
All we ask is that when you make a new Will or change an existing one, you consider leaving a donation to ME Research UK to allow us to continue our work into the future.
Our simple Will guide provides basic details you may wish to consider, while more detailed information is available online.
Some of our researchers whose work was made possible by legacies left to ME Research UK include Mr James Allison, who is exploring pain and autonomic dysfunction in ME/CFS; Dr Leighton Barnden, who is looking at brain-stem dysfunction; and Dr Sarah Annesley, who is investigating problems with energy efficiency.