During 2023/24, the charity continued its role as an independent, science-centred provider of high-quality information and education for key decision-makers, healthcare professionals and those affected directly or indirectly by ME/CFS. In addition to the capacity to provide speakers for external events – to discuss ME Research UK’s role, its achievements and to provide insight into current research and the research landscape for ME/CFS – ME Research UK also produces printed literature (leaflets and Breakthrough magazine) and embraces the opportunities afforded by new means of communication to remain relevant and at the forefront of research funding.
Our Breakthrough magazine is provided free of charge to all who request it and is normally dispatched on a biannual basis. in both hard and electronic form. The magazine not only informs the reader of the charity’s newly funded research but also describes and interprets the results of ME Research UK projects.
Breakthrough also reports non-ME Research UK published studies that are presented in a form which aims to ensure that readers have a holistic perspective of worldwide research and of findings which may be relevant to them. The magazine is also available online ensuring as wide a readership as possible without any barriers to access. It is often cited as being especially useful to people with ME/CFS when speaking to GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals about their symptoms. To expand its breadth and bring a new voice to our communications, the Trustees contracted with Cort Johnston, the highly regarded writer and creator of the influential Health Rising blog, to contribute articles to Breakthrough and the charity’s website. The international view and research sectoral review adds significantly to the scope of ME Research UK’s output.
Social Media
Our Facebook page has amassed 14,293 followers (12,338 in previous period) – an increase of 15.8% over the charity year.
- ME Research UK’s active X (Twitter) account drives the successful dissemination of our research news. 5,249 followers represent an increase of 28.3%.
- ME Research UK – Researcher Zone X/Twitter account caters for the distinct needs of researchers. At year end, it had 231 followers representing an increase of 621.9%.
- ME Research UK’s Instagram account has 1,415 followers representing an increase of 161.7%.
- A LinkedIn account was created during Oct 24.
Due to the sustained increase in written output, the charity actioned its long-held goal of launching a monthly e-newsletter to supporters with links to the most popular articles produced during the month and providing various ways in which engaged supporters could donate to the work of the charity.
Increasingly, researchers require to be involved in public awareness initiatives as a facet of their work. Conferences, online events and public interaction at all stages of research provide the opportunity to raise awareness of ME/CFS and of ME Research UK. This year, Prof. Jarred Younger praised ME Research UK for its early support of his work in his YouTube video series, and, most recently, PhD candidate Tina Katsaros won the People’s Choice and runner-up prize at La Trobe University’s Visualise Your Thesis Competition. Funding, especially PhD-level research, provides new avenues for dissemination of ME/CFS information as well as ME Research UK’s work through the social media and other efforts of young researchers. It was against this background that the Founders’ Award was devised.
During ME Awareness Week, we arranged for landmarks in Inverclyde to be illuminated in blue. This was covered by the local press and photos seen globally as part of the Awareness Week as well as producing highly popular infographics.