Registration is now open for the Fourth Annual CMRC Conference which will be held on Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 September 2017 at Future Inns Cabot Circus, Bond St South, Bristol.
The purpose of the conference is to increase collaboration between researchers in the CFS/ME field and with those from other research/illness areas. Although the full programme has yet to be announced, the provisional one is now available. Experts in neurovirology, imaging and orthostatic intolerance will be to the fore. Presentations (titles TBC) include
- The National Institutes of Health (NIH)’s Dr Avindra Nath will talk about his work on neurovirology and infections of the nervous system
- autonomic intolerance by Dr Peter Rowe, John Hopkins Children’s Centre
- imaging in research by Dr Matt Wall, Imanova, a translational research company that specialises in applying PET and MRI scanning techniques to improve drug development and health research
- pain and CFS/ME by Prof Maria Fitzgerald, University College London
- learning from other illness fields by Prof John Gallacher, Oxford University
Although the first day of the conference is open to researchers and all CMRC members, the second day is open to researchers only. Associate Members can join the CMRC for free whilst research membership is £20. Discounts on the costs of attending the conference are available to professional members and students who book before 31st May.
Abstract submissions are being invited until 9am on 30 June 2017. Oral presentations will be selected following peer review of submitted abstracts and poster prizes will be awarded.
As with previous conferences, it is planned to livestream presentations. However, this is at the presenter’s discretion and reasons such as presenting unpublished data may lead a presenter to decline livestreaming. Details of livestreaming will be made available closer to the date of the conference.