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New project tracking brain changes in people with ME/CFS

ME Research UK is delighted to announce that we have awarded funding to Associate Professor Leighton Barnden at Griffith University in Australia for a new study aiming to track changes in the structure and function of the brain over time in people with ME/CFS.

Associate Professor Barnden and his team have been particularly active in investigating the brain in ME/CFS, and have previously completed an ME Research UK-funded study using a powerful 7-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner to uncover a number of abnormalities in the brains of people with ME/CFS and in those with long COVID.

One important question, however, is whether all these abnormalities remain stable or get worse over time with the clinical progression of the disease. In this new study, the group plans to track the progression of these brain abnormalities in 40 people with ME/CFS over the course of 3 years, as well as looking at their association with clinical symptoms.

The researchers believe that this study has the potential to expand our knowledge of ME/CFS by providing valuable insights into brain changes in the disease over time, understanding how ME/CFS affects various brain regions, and identifying some of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms.

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