News Research

Interview with “Technology Networks” regarding the “current state of ME/CFS research”

On the 22nd of August 2024, an article entitled “What’s the current state of ME/CFS research” was published by Technology Networks – a “trusted scientific news publication”.  

The author of the article – Leo Bear-McGuinness, asked the team at ME Research UK the following questions:

  • What kind of research does ME Research UK fund?
  • What kind of studies would ME Research UK like to fund in the future?
  • What do you make of the current state of ME research? Has the field changed much in recent years?
  • And could you describe the organisation a little? How does ME Research UK source funding? How does it choose which studies to fund?

In the article, responses from ME Research UK’s Science Writer – Dr Emma Slack, were quoted extensively, covering research updates most relevant to the charity and highlighting observations from recent conferences – Unite to Fight 2024, and Invest in ME Research 2024.

This article follows another published in Medscape News UK earlier in July 2024 entitled “Long COVID & ME/CFS: The Similarities are Uncanny” in which ME Research UK’s Research Director – Dr David Newton, provided comments.

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