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- ‘Tea for ME’ – organise a tea party for family, friends, work colleagues or an organisation in support of ME. We have invitations here (in MS Word format) which you can alter to suit your event. The invitations are designed to be printed four to a page.
- ‘Cup Cake Bake’ competition – who can bake and decorate the best cup cake? Charge an entry fee and then enjoy the results. Remember, for events held before 31st March 2019, to ice some with our JustTextGiving Code.
- ‘Give change – change lives’ – empty small change from pockets and purses for a fortnight (or longer) and donate to us.
- ‘Sacrifice a vice for ME’ – forswear chocolate, cakes, smoking or your favourite indulgence for a period and donate the savings you make to us.
- ‘Fine’s fine’ – just like a swear box but can be for anything. Got a colleague who is always late for work or a family member who ‘forgets’ to turn off the light? Then this is for you.
- ‘Pound-a-Pound’ – Participants pay £1 for every pound lost and £2 for every pound gained in weekly weigh-ins. Ask your doctor first though.
- ‘Counting on You for ME’ – participants guess the quantity of sweets, paper clips, marbles, coins, etc. in a jar. They pay to enter the contest and the winner gets a prize.
- ‘Be a smartie for ME’ – give family and friends a tube of a well known chocolate confectionary and ask them to give you back the tube but this time filled with £1 coins. The tube holds more than you think (27 £1 coins in fact)!
- ‘Mufti Day’ – dress down day at work or school, for a donation.
- Host a 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s party – or any other theme you wish. Sell tickets but remember to have a raffle, collection jars and other ways to garner support while everyone is enjoying themselves.
- Join the Thon family – organise a ‘thon’ event and get sponsorship; e.g., bike-a-thon, swim-a-thon, golf-a-thon, joke-a-thon, read-a-thon, dance-a-thon or even a sing-a-long-a-thon.
- Charity car wash. Turn muck into brass!
- Baby photo competion – great for a workplace. Get colleagues (and bosses) to bring in photographs of themselves when cute and cuddly. Prize for the most correct guesses as to identity and for the most beautiful/handsome baby.
- Office olympics – who is the champion desk vaulter or scrunched-up-paper-tossed-into-the-waste-bin-supremo? Find out, have fun and raise funds.
- Organise an auction – silent or otherwise. Ask local businesses and friends for auction items. At work this could be something really valuable – how about a few days additional holiday (ask the boss first though)?
- Sponsored silence – but include Facebook and texting just to make it more challenging.
- Quiz nights – popular and fun to organise.
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