
Scottish Good Practice Statement on ME/CFS – February 2023 Update

It was announced on 28th February 2023 that the Scottish Good Practice Statement on ME/CFS has undergone a partial update in light of the changes to the NICE guideline on ME/CFS (Oct 2021). This update was trailed by Maree Todd MSP (Minister for Public Health, Women’s Health and Sport) during the Scottish Parliament’s debate on ME which was held on 2nd February 2023.

The Scottish Good Practice Statement brings guidance in Scotland into line with that of England when considering diagnosis and inserts updates into the text for other issues such as CBT and GET but is not a total re-write. The remainder of the text will require to be overhauled to reflect the passage of time from 2010 when the basic text was written, new research, and greater understanding of the disease and expectations on healthcare profrssionsla to serv ethe needs of their patients. At least it formalises the situation for those presenting with ME/CFS in Scotland rather than relying on a Statement updated by various letters to Health Boards.

In announcing the release, Ms Todd stated

This represents an important first step in updating our guidance and we’ll continue to improve this key document, listen to stakeholders and back online learning on the diagnosis and management of ME/CFS.

Maree Todd MSP – via twitter

The need for a general re-write also highlights other areas where movement is required. For example, p27 ‘4.12 Diagnostic, management and referral algorithm/care pathway’ gives the option for those suspected of having ME/CFS or those severely affected to be referred to a specialist clinic/treatment centre of which there are actually none in Scotland – a situation which Jackie Baillie MSP raised during the 2nd February debate.

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