
Overview of our funded research

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We’ve produced another print-run of our 32-page special edition of Breakthrough magazine entitled ‘£1 million of biomedical research: an overview of the projects you have funded’. If you would like a (free) hard copy in the post, simply email us with your name and address.

You can also download a pdf copy or read it online, and read our short essay accompanying this special edition.

Written in plain English, its aim is to give non-scientists an easily digestible overview of the research ME Research UK has funded over the years, alongside a list of the projects and the scientific papers published. It also discusses some of the less well-known aspects of research funding, such as the need for programmes of research that continue year-on-year. The research is classified into subject areas to illustrate the breadth and range of the scientific work, as the contents illustrate:

Genes and systems analysis
Definitions and diagnosis
Circulation and the blood
Clinical trials and therapies
Brain and nervous system
Exercise and muscle
Pain and sensitivity
Children and young people
Research infrastructure
Programmes of research

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