
NICE Scoping Meeting 25th May 2018

On 25 May 2018, our Vice Chair, Mrs Sue Waddle attended NICE’s Scoping Meeting in London as part of the on-going process to replace the current Guideline on ME/CFS (CG53) which is due in 2020. Her personal view of the meeting is now available.

The aims of the meeting were to obtain views on the draft scope of the review in relation to the areas for inclusion and to identify any omissions but also to encourage membership of the planned guideline committee.

The committee’s Chair and Vice Chair have already been appointed (Dr Peter Barry and Baroness Ilora Finlay respectively) but NICE wishes to involve both health professionals and also lay representatives. The proposed committee requires an additional 17 individuals of which 4 would be lay members (including a person affected by ME/CFS and and/or a carer). In addition, there will be 3 physicians with an interest in ME/CFS (e.g. neurologist, infectious diseases or immunologist); 2 GPs; 2 paediatricians; and 6 other health care professionals (e.g. dietician, physiotherapist, psychologist and social worker.)

Recruitment is due to begin in June via NICE’s dedicated ‘get involved’ section on their website. This will have full details of the application process in due course.

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